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About us

Welcome to, a website dedicated to self-improvement with a focus on personal productivity, happiness, and self- love.

Everyone generally discusses bliss, and how they're yearning to accomplish it. Joy, first of all, isn't an objective, however a lifestyle. The inquiry is: how might we begin carrying on with a positive life? How might we develop and at last rouse others to do likewise?

Our mission at is to empower and inspire people by spreading happiness with self-development and life changing ideas to the world. We show you what it really takes to become a happiest human being. With new motivational videos, interviews, audio and more with your favorite entrepreneurs, life coaches and inspirational people from all over the world.

Throughout the previous few years, I have been sufficiently fortunate to know somebody who reliably moves me and has given me such a lot of consolation and backing. He motivates me to put stock in myself, be positive, and He is a certifiable companion - which, sadly is elusive these days. I'll constantly be grateful to him for that! Due to her sure impact, I've had the option to impact my perspective and that is something incredible!

Thus, take it from me. Relinquish those individuals who fail to help you. Relinquish the ones who are continually putting you down. Relinquish the ones who can't acknowledge you for what your identity is. Begin finding and zeroing in on the people who do. You'll see the way a lot more joyful and certain you'll be.

Run by Nilesh Kushwaha, Happy Lives diverges from traditional “self-help” by taking a broader approach. Rather than sticking to a small set of topics, the site covers anything related to self-improvement. Any information that people can use to live more prosperous, satisfying lives is a potential article.


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